In order to get evidence for her case and dismantle a criminal organization, an uptight undercover cop crashes a high school graduation trip to a party-heavy beach in Brazil.
After the death of their super powered villainous boss, low-level henchpeople Beatrix, Cain, and Harold are left destitute living in an abandoned grocery store. Not content with the situation they find themselves in, Beatrix is determined for them to strike out on their own and take over the world by any means necessary.
With traditional music banned, a group of childhood friends risk everything to preserve their heritage by playing historical Thai music together.
第34回東京国際映画祭Amazon Prime Video テイクワン賞受賞者、金允洙(キム・ユンス)監督の長編デビュー作。オリジナル脚本による、隔離されたホテルで繰り広げられる12人の群像劇。
We’re back in Burnley and Dave Fishwick is fighting the good fight all over again. But this time it’s the Payday Loan Companies who are looking to bring him down.
We’re back in Burnley and Dave Fishwick is fighting the good fight all over again. But this time it’s the Payday Loan Companies who are looking to bring him down.
艾蜜莉(卡梅隆·迪亚兹 Cameron Diaz 饰)和马特(杰米·福克斯 Jamie Foxx 饰)这对夫妻档原是中情局探员,退隐多年后,他们养儿育女的平凡生活恐将不保,随着身份曝光,夫妻俩这下子必须重出江湖。